Dreher High School believes each student should be entitled to the maximum instructional time each day. For students to acquire the knowledge and skills to become proficient, they need to be on time to each class, every day. Therefore, a tardy procedure has been implemented to support and reinforce this philosophy.
· Student(s) will NOT be allowed to enter class if more than 10 minutes late after the tardy bell without a pass from attendance.
· If a student is more than 10 minutes late (2nd through 4th blocks) after the tardy bell, the teacher will write a referral for cutting.
Administration will review daily and weekly tardy reports to contact parents and/or assign a consequence. Consequences per Semester are as follows:
• 3rd Tardy- Parent Contact from Teacher
• 6th Tardy- After School Detention and Parent Contact (Attendance Team/Family Engagement)
• 12th Tardy- After School Detention and Tardy Contract
-Parent will attend a Contract Meeting with Administrator (MTSS/Attendance Team) in person
• 15th Tardy- Referral – ISS 2 Days; Parent Contact from Administrator
• 20th Tardy- Referral, OSS 1 Day; Parent Contact from Administrator; Pre-Hearing Board Meeting
• 30th Tardy- Referral, OSS 2 Days and Hearing Board Referral (Student will remain in school pending Hearing)
After- School Detention will be served in the cafeteria 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM each Thursday.
Attendance is mandatory.
**Students will receive an email at the beginning of the week if assigned to After School Detention.
**Students who do not attend After School will be assigned to In School Detention.
**Teachers will receive notice for students serving In School Detention, ISS or OSS.
Excessive tardiness may result in loss of privileges: sporting events, student parking and school events, etc.